Monday 17 September 2012

Research and Planning:Teaser Trailer Analysis

I have decided to analyse 'Insidious' as this is based on the same idea that I want to produce, I will focus on the elements and discuss why they have used it.

Insidious is a horror film, with the frightening images on the trailer, the violence and the twisted story line keeps you on the edge of your seat, which is something that every horror film needs to be successful these days.

As it's certificate is a 15, I would think that the target audience for this film would be between 15-25 as most people around this age enjoy the thrill and fear that the horror films give. This film definately targets both genders as the film is based on a family horror rather than just a group of friends in the woods, most people would also go and watch this film at the cinemas with their friends as mainly horror films create a big talking point.

- The young boy seems to be innocent and hurt when he is lay in the doctors bed, this leads you to feel sympathetic for the boy because of his age
- The family seem to middle/upper class as you can see from the mise-en-scen they live in quite a big house and it is well decorated inside the house.

Like most horror films, I think that the Insidious trailer is using Todorov's theory, as the equilibrium is where the son is in some sort of coma, then there is a montage showing the peaks and troughs that are occuring throughout the film but the only thing that the teaser trailer doesn't show us is anything on the new equilibrium but then again it is only a teaser trailer so they are wanting you to watch the whole film to find out what happens.

Media Language: Cinematography
- Clip starts off with a close up with a young boy, and around him the shot is very dark and again this is making you feel sympathetic for the boy because of his young age.
- Then goes to a long shot of the young boy sat up in his bed looking scared, but the shot looks like it's from someones view, like a point of view shot watching the boy.
- Fades into another close up of the boy lay in a hospital bed, giving us some insight into what has happened to the boy and again making us feel for the boy.
- A medium close up is next, on a woman who is positioned on the left hand side of the screen who could be the boys mother; again using the family aspect of the film and creating a sense of realism.
- It then goes to a long shot of the house that the live in, and it is slowly zooming in showing that this house is going to play an important role in the film.
- A man is then seen through a mid shot, as he looks worried and confused showing that he doesn't really know what is happening to them in the house.
- The birds eye view of the woman from the ceiling of the house, this makes her look small and vulnerable and it shows the audience that maybe something bad it going to happen to the woman at some point in the film.
- It very quickly cuts to an extreme close up of some eyes that look dark and sinister,which give it a dramatic effect .
- A Close up of the little boys foot and a hand mark and there is blood on the bed sheets which grabs our attention immediately, then a Long Shot of two young girls who are center frame however come across shy by the body language used, and the dark colours surrounding them.
- A small montage quickly happens where it goes to a close up of an older woman screaming which is alerting the audience that she may be in pain or in trouble.
- The camera tracks through the dark hall way which is slowly building suspense. 

Media Language:Sound
- Straight away there is non-diegetic loud sharp noises which makes the audience stay alert and are being forewarned that something bad is going to happen.
- There is then a scene where there is dialogue being used by the woman but there is still a score in the background giving that reader that unsure feeling and something bad may happen at any given time.
- When the camera is tracking, the teaser trailer almost goes silent as you then hear a child whisper something and then the older woman explains 'it's not your house that's haunted, it's your son' in a calm voice as if she can be trusted as isn't effected badly by what is going on around them.

Media Language:Editing
- Clip starts of by fading to a black screen right away showing the film distributor 'film district'.
- Extremeley quick straight cuts are used to show the audience what is happening briefly and it then fades black and the young boy is then lay on the hospital bed.
- Playing on the stereotypical horror fonts used, they use many title frames with black backgrounds with white font over the top of it which immediately grabs the audiences attention.

Media Language:Mise-En-Scen 
 - As with all horror films, low key lighting is used throughout the whole of the teaser trailer, and it gives the dark, haunted feeling and it gives the feeling of a horror film straight away.
- The mise-en-scen surrounding the house, the time of the day seems to be night time and even inside of the house is quite dark and isn't very welcoming.
- The perfomance of all of the characters seem to be the same, they all seem worried and frightened, they are also not wearing any bright coloured clothes or makeup, it all seems to fit in with the style of the house and seems to be dark and dull.

Friday 7 September 2012

Sources for Ridley Scott

Book - Ridley Scott Interview