Thursday 10 November 2011

Old Hollywood Producer Unit System

Central producer still maintained high degree of control over all of the film production at a given studio, but it was difficult to keep tabs on the growing number of films. It is also difficult for central producer to be an “expert” in every genre
- Various studios’ central producers began assigning assistants to take over a degree of control over smaller groups of film.
- Specialization increased
-Different directors under central producer specialized in various genres of films
- Producer-Unit system adopted by all Big 5 studios, which allows them to make more film more efficiently than during the silent era.
- Part of general increase in Specialization & departmentalization at the studios

The impact this had on the old Hollywood system (Audience) 
- They are only able to make one genre, not giving them much choice to choose from.
- This made the films very predictable, everyone knew what they were getting and this made it easy to decide on a film preference.

- They had a much bigger work load, and this meant everyone always had a lot of work. Everyone became a specialist in the films that they made, and they could reuse things, which made things much easier.

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